Your Tropical Astrological Natal Chart is determined the moment you are born and provides a unique cosmic portrait of your identity. It is calculated instantly using an advanced algorithm that detects the exact planetary placements at the date, time, and location of your birth.
Learn more about your personality, strengths and challenges, and your life path written in the stars.
- Exact Time of Birth
- Date of Birth
- Place of Birth
Astrological Chart Reading will be emailed to you in video format within 72-96 hours after an email or phone consultation.
30 minute Zoom call offered for General Analysis pending availability. You will receive an email with all details and availability after purchase.
Readings Available:
- Career and Money
- Life Purpose
- General Analysis (ON SALE! - calculated at checkout)
- Current Transit (ON SALE! - calculated at checkout)
- Love and Relationships
- Complete Natal Chart Analysis